Samstag, 7. Juli 2012

Kuala Lumpur

I am currently in a completely different world. That's really what it feels like. Everything is new, every situation makes me feel like a little kid giddy with excitement. I mean all I have done the first week really, has been hanging with my bro Zippy (they call him Phin out here :) ), seeing a wee bit of the city and eating every single night. Eating is a ride out here. Every dish is a dish of something you've never even come close to trying before. Endless spices, tastes and flavors. Malaysians consist of three main nationalities...Chinese, Indian and Malay. They have restaurants with all possible variations/combinations of their foods...Malay Chinese food, Indian Malay food, etc. It's crazy and all of it delicious...crazy delicious. After a week already of only eating those types of foods though, and still fresh off of coming from Turkey, I start to wonder if I could really live off of eating just those dishes. They're all so complex and intricate. I already miss my Kahvalti (Turkish breakfast) with different cheeses, bread, honey, eggs, cay...I miss the simplicity of food sometimes. Actually I don't miss it too much yet...but I'm starting to wonder how long it will take till I do. The food culture, however, is amazing. You go out and sit at one restaurant for 1-2 hours, just chilling, eating, and relaxing...and it's damn cheap! 
The people are really fascinating as well. The mixture, the faces...all new to me. Before I talk about the people though, I need more time here. For now it will just have to be about the food, which has been the highlight of my first week it's justified. The city itself is very cool and unique as well...picture a mix of a modern city with some third world culture in the middle of a rainforest. First impressions...

1 Kommentar:

  1. Sounds Awesome! I am jealous!!
    I want Malasian food.
    Tell Zippy I am coming next
