Any place you stay in for a longer period of time is difficult to say goodbye to. Istanbul was my home for 3 months and saying adieu was definitely emotional, despite knowing that I would be back soon enough. Kuala Lumpur has been my home for the last 5 months now and it sure feels that way. 5 months is a long time and a lot has happened. I came to Kuala Lumpur with 80 dollars in my pocket, a lot of excitement and nearly zero plans. Quite daunting if you think about it...but after going with the flow and having amazing friends, old and new, to back me up I managed to set myself up with a nice little life in KL. It all started with this picture:

One class every morning. Enough for food for the week. I only got this class due to the laziness of my co-worker Kenny, who fiercly rejected having a morning class thus giving me an opening! Kenny became a great friend at work and has still remained lazy to this day :) . Over time more classes came. With that obviously more money. Now traveling was possible! The results of that you have been able to follow through this blog, so I won't spend time on where I've been. I started teaching just English, but that somehow developed into also teaching Math, Physics, Computers, Chemistry, Biology, and Geography. I started teaching just children, but that developed into additional morning adult classes. Sometimes you really just have to go with the flow. Life in KL was very good. Work was a blast, my co-workers were amazing, the food was out of this world and the weather was mostly sunny...and finally I was able to travel! Here are some pics from work:
teaching Korean twins |
out with the Korean gang who was only here for the summer |
chilling on couches at a Muji store |
one of my favorite students |
one adult class |
another adult class of mine |
goodybe evening with my adult students: pictionary! |
Hangman...just couldn't figure it out :( |
Korean kids' geography is horrendous, so this was my parting gift to the school |
the gang |
I think I'm going to make one entire post just about food in's the only way to do it justice. I'll get to that later though. If I had to sum up my favorite part about my life in KL, besides obviously the food, I'd have to say the opportunity to get to know two cultures simultaneously. Malaysian culture was around me everytime I stepped outside and Korean culture dominated my work and living environments. Both cultures impressed the hell out of me and I can't wait to continue learning about them when I get to Berlin (through restaurants perhaps). A few months into my life in KL I was almost ready to leave. I needed a place to stay if I was to continue staying in Malaysia. My boss, Sandy, presented me with an unforgettable opportunity. Stay with me and my family. What followed was two months of Korean food every night, a beautiful home which resembled a hotel resort, and the chance to spend more time in this incredible part of the world.
my boss and her sons |
my boss and her maid who was a phenomenal cook and a great woman |
Leaving KL was hard, but knowing what was too come, it was also very exciting. As I write this I'm sitting in my hostel in Phnom Phen, Cambodia after spending 3 amazing days in Siem Reap and at Angkor to come. I want to thank everyone who made this such a special experience for me, which means basically everyone who I taught, worked with, hung out with, or helped me out in one way or the other. Not only was I able to gain full time working experience, I was also able to gain a lot of life experience and perspectives which will really help me judge my own future. Phnom Phen and Vietnam for 11 days with my sis and then this trip is complete. Can't wait for it all...
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